Public Policy Dialogue “Analysis of the Implimentation of Gender Based Violence/Prevention in Rwanda”

0. Introduction

Rwanda Civil Society Platform (RCSP) was created in 2004 as a platform for national civil Society organizations in Rwanda. The Platform is composed of 9 national umbrellas with more than 1000 NGOs. RCSP serves to enhance CSOs to contribute to the well-being of the population by acting as a framework for dialogue, context analysis, exchange of information, mutual respect, lobbying and evidence based advocacy on national, regional and international issues on behalf of all members of Rwanda civil society and citizens of Rwanda at large. Its mission is to empower, represent, coordinate and defend public interests and interest of its members at national, regional and international levels for development, effectiveness and sustainability.

Considering its mission and with the support from Trocaire in partnership with Palladium/ Ikiraro cy’iterambere, RCSP have opted to contribute to efforts done by the Government of Rwanda in combating gender based violence and its consequences through the implementation of the project called “Holding duty bearers to account for the implementation of the GBV policy”. The project is oriented towards ensuring effective functioning of community structures and referral mechanisms, in order to improve Gender Based Violence (GBV) prevention and response in Rwanda.

The overall change to be brought by the project is to contribute to reduced incidence of GBV cases and improved wellbeing of GBV survivors in target communities through effective implementation of the GBV policy framework and improved accountability in five districts of Rwanda, namely Rulindo, Gakenke, Nyanza, Nyamagabe and Nyaruguru

In this project, RCSP has conducted a study on “Analysis of the Implementation of National Policy against Gender Based Violence Policy/ Prevention section in Rwanda” to assess the implementation of provisions of the GBV policy framework in general and to identify best practices and challenges and formulate policy recommendations to address identified challenges.

It is against this background, the Rwanda Civil Society Platform is organizing a Public Policy Dialogue as a space for interaction and discussions on the best practices and issues that were highlighted in this research where different stakeholders including the government, development partners, Civil Society organizations and citizens will participate to generate views that will lead to solutions for better solutions to address the issues observed in the findings and propose policy actions.

Objective of the dialogue

The overall objective

To facilitate face to face interactions and to provide space for dialogue between various actors in order to discuss on the best practices and issues observed during the implementation of GBV policy/prevention.

The Specific objectives

  1. To facilitate presentations on the best practices and lessons learned for replication.
  1. To Provide space for discussions on the gaps and challenges related to implementation of actions aimed at GBV prevention and suggest alternative solutions to decision makers and other stakeholders
  1. To Solicit commitment of the decision makers towards resolving the issues highlighted in the implementation of actions aimed at GBV prevention in particular and GBV policy in general;
  1. To communicate with different stakeholders including government and to jointly take corrective measures in order to respond on the political will for eradication of GBV in its all forms.

Expected results

1) Commitment of all stakeholders towards advocating and executing recommended policy actions to address GBV issues;

2) Common framework for engagement on GBV issues is strengthened to build synergies for effective socioeconomic development of the citizens and the country in general;

3) Measures oriented to follow up if anti- GBV actions are included in District performance contracts are taken.

3.Participation of individual experts

The Public Policy Dialogue is targeting individual experts who represent Government institutions, Civil Society Organizations (both national and international), Development partners, and people from academia, researchers and media houses.

4. Date and Venue

The Public Policy Dialogue on the implementation of GBV policy in Rwanda will be held on 30th, October 2018 at Lemigo Hotel starting from 8: 00 am.

5. Recommendation

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