Public Policy Dialogue:“Analysis of Value Chain for Intensified Crops and market price in Rwanda”.


“Analysis of Value Chain for Intensified Crops and market price in Rwanda”, the case study: Maize, Irish potatoes and Rice.

Background and Rationale

Rwanda Civil Society Platform (RCSP) was created as a non-profit making umbrella organization in 2004 with an objective to set up a plat-form for information sharing and consultation between CSOs and their partners. The Rwanda Civil Society Platform is composed of 9 national umbrellas with nearly 1500 member organizations. RCSP serves to enhance CSOs to contribute to the well-being of the population by acting as a framework for dialogue, context analysis, exchange of information, mutual respect, lobbying and evidence based advocacy on national, regional and international issues on behalf of all members of Rwanda civil society and citizens of Rwanda at large. Its mission is to empower, represent, coordinate and defend public interests and interest of its members at national, regional and international levels for development, effectiveness and sustainability.

Rwanda Civil Society Platform with the support of Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA ) through the Public Policy Information Monitoring and Advocacy (PPIMA III) project and in line with its core business of advocating for the issues that hinder the socioeconomic development of Rwandans. Through consultations of PPIMA project partners who conduct Community Score Card (CSC) process, RCSP and its partners identified farmers concerns in the value chain for intensified crops that might affect socioeconomic development of farmers and the national development in general.

In this perspective, the Rwanda Civil Society Platform commissioned a study on “analysis of value chain for intensified crops and market prices in Rwanda; case study Irish Potatoes, Rice and Maize” as an issue that is frequently raised by farmers and consumers, which requires a special attention concerned institutions both at central and local government, private sector and civil society are called to join efforts and address not only issues observed in the entire value chain but all the issues that hinder the socioeconomic welfare of the population.

Since 2016 and 2017, RCSP and PPIMA project implementers received a large number of issues from farmers-citizens on the value chain for intensified crops through community score card, it is in this framework that RCSP conducted a research to carry out an evidence based advocacy.

In this regard, the Rwanda Civil Society Platform is organizing a Public Policy dialogue as a space for interaction and discussions on the issues highlighted in the process of value chain for intensified and market dynamics among different stakeholders including the government, development partners, private sector, the Civil Society and farmers to generate views that would inform policy actions and address identified challenges from the study findings.

Thus, public policy dialogue is an annual event falling in the mission of advocating for issues that hinder the socioeconomic well-being of the population. Furthermore, the Public Policy Dialogue is an opportunity to share the findings with the Government, different development actors, Civil Society and citizens themselves and find together sustainable solutions to the bottlenecks highlighted in the value chain.

Objectives of the Civil Society Public Policy Dialogue

2.1. The overall objective

The overall objective of the dialogue is to provide a face to face interaction and a space for dialogue between various actors for discussing the issues observed in the land expropriation and transfer process for them to take adequate measures.

2.2. Specific objectives

  1. Provide space for farmers to present issues encountered in the value chain for intensified crops and suggest alternative solutions to decision makers and other stakeholders.
  1. Solicit the commitments from decision makers towards resolving the issues highlighted in the study.
  1. Call up on different stakeholders including government, private sector and civil society to jointly take corrective measures in finding sustainable solutions to issues in the value chain for intensified crops.

Expected results

  1. Drawing a common agenda for engagement on the issues related to agriculture value chain and price determination protocols is strengthened to build synergies for effective socioeconomic development of farmers and citizens in general,
  1. Solution paths for addressing the issues observed in the value chain for intensified crops and enhancing the role of citizen participation in decision making process.
  1. Commitment of all stakeholders towards advocating and executing recommended policy actions as formulated from the bottlenecks identified in a bid to promote a citizen centered framework in the entire value chain for intensified crops.

Target Participants

The Civil Society public policy dialogue is targeting high officials representing ministries and Government agencies, Civil Society Organizations (both national and international), Development partners, local authorities (all districts), academicians and ordinary citizens.

Language of the Dialogue

English, Kinyarwanda and French will be used with a simultaneous interpretation.

Date and Venue

The Civil Society public policy dialogue will be held on 6th November, 2018 at Marriott Hotel, starting from 08:00 am.

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