Mission and Vision of the RCSP


The mission of RCSP is to act as a framework of coordination, knowledge exchange, promoting synergy among its members and strengthening their capacity to be impactful at national, regional and international levels.


The vision of RCSP is to be an effective platform for safeguarding public interest and sustainable development.


01. Capacity strENGTHENING

This strategic area aims at strengthening RCSP's organizational and institutional capacity in terms of systems, processes and policies to enhance its governance and Operations. Furthermore, it will lead to secure diversified funding opportunities and the retention of highly skilled and competent staff for the achievements of RCSP's vision and mission. The objective further extends to strengthening and improving the capacity of its members.

02. advocacy and policy influence

Advocacy and policy influence constitute one of the core mandates for CSOs, and so it is of RCSP. Thus, this pillar will strengthen action research to inform advocacy positions and guide active engagement with relevant public policy actors. Furthermore, this strategic areas is meant to advance RCSP's policy influence on various strategic issues of national interest affecting the community and urges the network to actively participate and meaningfully contribute to policy formulation, implementation, and monitoring, While continuously engaging with Government on policy matters, with the ultimate goal to contribute to sustainable development.

03. Coordination, representation and partnership

This strategic area seeks to strengthen the framework of CSOs Coordination, and Representation. It is geared towards enhancing collaboration and synergy among CSO members. In addition, through this strategic area, RCSP will seek to obtain a CSO semi-self-regulatory status, whereby a self-Regulatory Framework for Local NGOs will be established. Furthermore, it will lead to strengthening strategic partnerships with the Government, as well as other development partners for impactful CSOs in Rwanda.