Reflections on the role of Civil Society in the fight against genocide ideology and Denial

Rwanda Civil Society Platform (RCSP) and the Network of International NGOs (NINGO) organized Civil Society Joint #Kwibuka 27 which was held at Kigali Memorial Site/Gisozi on 18th June 2021. With the growing trend in cases of denial of the genocide against the Tutsi, as a Civil Society Organizations networks both RCSP and NINGOs in Rwanda jointly reflected on the role that CSOs can play in the fight against denial practices to build a better society that is free from genocide ideology.

The main objective of this joint initiative was to remember and support vulnerable survivor families most affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic during the period of genocide commemoration in Rwanda. The theme for joint CSO #KWIBUKA27 was “Reflections on the role of Civil Society in the fight against genocide ideology and denial”. #Kwibuka event involved a series of activities including a visit and laying of wreath and listening to testimonies of resilience and recovery from a survivor

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