Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer at viverra lorem. Aliquam in mollis urna. Proin vestibulum suscipit leo a mollis. Suspendisse ultricies pretium ante ut ultrices. Nam sollicitudin massa ut magna eleifend lacinia. Aenean velit erat, volutpat non odio ac, porttitor consequat tortor. Quisque eu varius quam. Mauris et dolor dapibus, aliquam nisi et, hendrerit orci. In interdum lobortis suscipit. Sed blandit neque non semper vehicula.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer at viverra lorem. Aliquam in mollis urna. Proin vestibulum suscipit leo a mollis. Suspendisse ultricies pretium ante ut ultrices. Nam sollicitudin massa ut magna eleifend lacinia. Aenean velit erat, volutpat non odio ac, porttitor consequat tortor. Quisque eu varius quam. Mauris et dolor dapibus, aliquam nisi et, hendrerit orci. In interdum lobortis suscipit. Sed blandit neque non semper vehicula.
1 | Rwanda Development Organisation (RDO) | RWIBASIRA Eugene | 0788301740 | rwibasireugene@gmail.com |
2 | The Future in Our Minds (FIOM- Rwanda) | RUKWATAGE Janvier | 0788304194 | Janvier.fiom@gmail.com, fiom.rwanda@yahoo.com |
3 | Collectif des Artisants de Paix et la Reconciliation (CAPR) | UWITONZE Hope | 0785370892 | caperorg@yahoo.fr |
4 | Benishyaka | MUGABO Frank | 0788629499 | benishyakaorganisation@gmail.com |
5 | Strive Foundation Rwanda | MURAMIRA Bernard | 0788308287 | muramirab@yahoo.co.uk |
6 | Together for Sustainable Development Organisation (TSDO) | GAKUMBA Jean de Dieu | 0788855098 | gadedieu@yahoo.com |
7 | Association Rwandaise pour l’Education et le Developpement Communautaire (AREDEC) | SEMAVENGE Cyprien | 0788352622 | aredecrwanda@gmail.com |
8 | Inshuti Organisation | HABINEZA Etienne | 0781945400 | inshutikara@yahoo.fr |
9 | CARITAS-Gikongro | MUKAMANA Aloysie | 0788598912 | caritasgik@yahoo.fr |
10 | Initiative pour la Promotion de la Famille et du Genre (IPFG) | UWAMAHORO Clotilde | 0788469119 | ipfg2002@gmail.com |
11 | Bureau d’Appui aux Initiatives Rural (BAIR) | NYAMWEMA John Israel |
0788634922 0783956006 |
nyamwema@yahoo.fr Bairgis@yahoo.fr |
12 | Rwanda Rural Rehabilitation Initiative (RWARRI) | UWIZEYE Belange | 0788665289 | Beluws1@gmail.com |
13 | Union de Solidarite d’Aide au Development Communautaire (USADEC) | MAHORO RUBIBI Alexis | 0787440533 | Rubimaro2@yahoo.fr |
14 | Green Cover Initiative (GCI) | NSHIMIYIMANA Manasse | 0783112381 | Nimanasse01@gmail.com |
15 | Rwanda Environmental Conservation Organisation (RECOR) | GAKWAVU RUGIGANA John | 0782046764 | jgakwavu@gmail.com |
16 | Association for Promotion of Vulnerables (AVP) | BASIINGA MUGESA Joy | 0786851004 | basiingajoy@yahoo.com |
17 | Urumuri rw’Urukundo | MUKAMAZIMPAKA Candida | 0788300921 | urumurirwurukundo@gmail.com |
18 | Solidarite pour le Developement Communautaire (SODECO) | RUBIBI Danny | 0788452155 | sodeco@gmail.com |
19 | Jeunesse Ouvier Chretien (JOC- Rwanda) | HARERIMANA Jean Bosco | 0783248240 | rwandajocf@yahoo.com |
20 | Child First Initiative (CFI) | RUNEZERWA Joseph | 0783485675 | cfirwanda@gmail.com |
21 | Global initiative for Environment & Reconciliation (GER) | MUSORE B.Innocent | 0783570305 |
info@globalr.org musorein@gmail.com |
22 | Association pour le Developpement et la transformation sociale (ADTS) | NIYONSENGA Chrisserie | 0788308255 or 0788605493 | adtsrwanda@yahoo.fr niyochrisserie@yahoo.fr |
23 | Watoto Vision on Africa | RUKABU Benson | 0788689455 | rukabu@gmail.com |
24 | Safer-Rwanda | MUHONGERWA N.Christine | 0788594704 | christine@saferrwanda.org |
25 | Rural Environmental and Development Organisation (REDO) | GASHUMBA Damascene | 0788408910 | inforedo@yahoo.com |
26 | Health Development Initiative (HDI) | KAGABA Aflodis | 0788305117 | kagaba@hdirwanda.org |
27 | ASADEC | BISAMA Desire | 0788462216 | bisamadesire@gmail.com |
28 | Compagnon Fontainiers du Rwanda (COFORWA) | KINYANGO Jean Paul | 0788303389 | jkinyango@yahoo.com |
29 | Inades-Formation Rwanda | NYIRINGABO Jean Marie | 0788749833 | jmnyiringabo@gmail.com |
30 | Association de la Jeunesse en Matiere Agricole et Culturelle (AJEMAC) | ALLELUA Virginie | 0781202413 | Ajemac1@yahoo.fr |
31 | HUGUKA | KABAGWIRA Pelagie | 0788622744 | pkabagwira@gmail.com |
32 | ARECO-Rwanda nziza | MUKAKAMARI Dancilla (Executive Director) | 0788521732 | Alobica2@gmail.com |
33 | Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Action (SDHA) | JYAMBERE Laurien | 0788404460 | Jyamberelaurien2@hotmail.com |
34 | Pelum-Rwanda | MWEBAZE Johnson | 0788301319 | pelumrwanda@gmail.com |
35 | REASON | GAHIRE Charles | 0788521127 | charlesgahire@gmail.com |
36 | Rwanda Religious Leaders Forum (RRLF) | NKURUNZIZA Alexis | 0788863546 | nkuruflor@gmail.com |
37 | Center for Economic and Policy Priorities (CEPP) | NKURUNZIZA Willy | 0787177835 | Joie3105@gmail.com |
38 | Umuryango wo Gushyigikira Amakoperative (UGAMA) | TWAGIRAYEZU Callixte | 0788814519 | t.callixte@gmail.com |
39 | New Down for Community Development (NEDCOD-Rwanda) | NTAGANIRA Ignasius | 0788804058 | Ntagignace02@gmail.com |
40 | Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) | Dr.MUSEMAKWERI John | 0788301844 | John.musema2013@gmail.com |
41 | Action for Socio-Economic Development and Sustainability (ASED) | NZAYISENGA Francis | 0788306299 | Francesor7@gmail.com |
42 | Association Rwandaise dea Travailleurs Chretiens Feminins (ARTCF) | KAYIREBE Esperance | 0788858468 | artcf@artcfrwanda.org |
43 | Health and Environment Protection Initiative (HEPI) | MUTESI Lucie | 0788502430 | Mutesilucie2012@gmail.com |
44 | Association for Research and Assistance Mission for Africa (ARAMA) | NTABANA Eugene | 0788526389 | entabana@gmail.com |
45 | Union des Cooperatives Agricoles Integrees (UNICOPAGI) | BUSERUKA Patrick | 0783134039 | Patribus02@gmail.com |
46 | Rwanda Organisation for Development Initiative(RODI) | NTIGURIRWA Barnabas | 0788270493 |
rodiorganization@gmail.com ntigurirwa@gmail.com |
47 | Association pour le Developpement de Nyabimata (ADENYA) | GAKWAYA Pancrace | 0783176785 | gakwayapancrace@gmail.com |
48 | Association Rwandaise pour la Promotion du Developpement Integre (ARDI) | MUSABIMANA Patrice | 0788612242 | musabpat@yahoo.fr |
49 | Sustainable Development Human Right and Reconciliation (DHR) | GISHINGE .K.Medard | 0788434692 | umurokore@yahoo.fr |
50 | Center for Research , Education and Development Initiatives (CREDI) | HABYARIMANA Lazare | 0788306471 | credirwanda@yahoo.fr |
51 | DUHAMIC | BENINEZA Innocent | 0788300424 | duhamic@duhamic.org.rw |
52 | Governance for Africa (GFA) | NKUSI Cyrus | 0788302139 | cyrusnkusi@gmail.com |
53 | BENIMPUHWE Association | NYIRAMANA Verdiane | 0788410830 | benimpuhwe@yahoo.fr Verddy2001@yahoo.fr |
54 | DUTERIMBERE Asbl | Calliope | 0788404980 | Duterimbere@rwanda1.com |
55 | Advocacy to Disaster Risk Reduction and Environmental Sustainability(ADRRES) | KAJE KAMATARI Rodrigue | 0788888373 | adrresorganisation@gmail.com |
56 | Young Volunteers for Environment (YVE) | ISINGIZWE Honorine | 0786686794 | Honoricia5@gmail.com |
57 | Rwanda Environment Awareness Organisation(REAO) | IRANKUNDA Vanessa |
0788516001 0781593377 |
reaorwanda@gmail.com |
58 | Nile Basin Discourse Forum (NBDF) | Lydia Uwamahoro | 0786294697 | demahorolydie@gmail.com |
59 | Red rock Initiative for Sustainable Development Organization | BAKUNZI Gregory | 0784685285 | Info@redrocksinitiative.org |
60 | Reinforcement of Developing Initiatives in Rural Environment (REDIRE) | NGENDO Yves | 0788455831 | Redire.org@gmail.com |
61 | Better Life Achievement organisation (BLAO) | RWAGASORE Noel | 0788886346 | blaovision@gmail.com |