Dissemination Workshop for Assessment conducted on Service delivery in Public Transport in Kigali

Background and Rationale

Rwanda Civil Society Platform (RCSP) is a non-profit making umbrella organization that was created in 2004 with the objective to set up a platform for information sharing, consultation and advocacy among CSOs and their partners. RCSP is composed of 9 national umbrella organizations with close to 1500 members. The mission of RCSP is to act as a framework of exchange, strengthening solidarity and the capacity of its members, to be the people’s voice and defend the public interests and interests of its members at national, regional and international levels.

Rwanda Civil Society Platform with the support of Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA ) through the Public Policy Information Monitoring and Advocacy (PPIMA III) project and in line with its core business of advocating for issues that hinder the socio-economic development of Rwandans, through Thematic Working Groups of RCSP; CSOs in several occasions highlighted issues found in service delivery among others they are related to public transport in Kigali and health sector but emphasis was put on how referral hospitals deliver services.

In this perspective, RCSP conducted analysis of service provision in “Public transport in Kigali and Health services” as issues that are frequently raised in media reports and other platforms, given the nature/impact of these services to the socio-economic development of Citizens, RCSP in partnership with its members through Thematic Working Groups realized that it is necessary to carry out a situation analysis in order to gather and generate evidences justifying these 2 issues to be able to engage the concerned stakeholders including Government institutions , Civil Society and private sector to dialogue and jointly agree on the actionable steps to address identified policy.

In this regard, the RCSP is organizing a Policy dialogue to disseminate findings as a space for interaction and constructive discussions among different stakeholders including Government institutions, development partners, private sector and Civil Society on issues highlighted in Kigali Public transport and Health services delivery to generate recommendations that would inform policy actions and address identified challenges from the analysis findings.

2. Objectives of the Dissemination Workshop

2.1. The overall objective

The overall objective of the workshop is to provide a face to face interaction and a space for dialogue between various actors discussing the issues identified in public transport and health services provision for them to take adequate measures.

2.2. Specific objectives

  • Present identified issues in public transport and health services to target decision makers and other relevant stakeholders;
  • Solicit commitments from decision makers towards resolving the highlighted issues;
  • Call upon joint efforts by all stakeholders including government institutions, private sector and civil society to take corrective measures in finding sustainable solutions to the identified issues.

2.3. Expected results

  • Concerned stakeholders are aware of the issues highlighted in public transport and health services;
  • Decision makers and other concerned stakeholders pledge commitments towards addressing the highlighted issues;
  • Concerned stakeholders joined efforts and made consensus on ways of executing recommended policy actions to address highlighted bottlenecks.

3. Target Participants

This Dissemination workshop is targeting an audience of 100 participants, including officials representing Government institutions (Ministries and agencies) , Civil Society Organizations (both national and international), Private Sector, Development partners and academia.

4. Working Methodology

Working methodology will involve presentations, panel and plenary discussions.

5. Language of The Workshop

English and Kinyarwanda.

6. Date and Venue

The Dissemination Workshop will be held on Wednesday 12th June, 2019 at Lemigo Hotel, starting from 09:00 am to 1:00 pm.

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